Wednesday 22 January 2014

Year 6 Art Work

Detail of a tiger by Beth in class DB

The children in both year 6 classes have been painting jungle scenes based on Rousseau's famous picture of 'A tiger in a tropical storm'. See the picture below - it is in the National Gallery we went to see the original picture during our trip to London last week.
Freya in class DB said ''it was amazing to see it close up as we had spent so long studying the picture. I think a lot of us were surprised by how big it was.''

Rousseau was partly inspired by a poem wriiten by William Blake:
Tiger, tiger burning bright
In the forests of the night
What immoral hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Walking away from the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square

Some examples of preliminary sketches

A jungle scene by Jonathan in class DB
This superb picture below was painted by Lily Constanti in class PA/SB
Click on it to see a fuller size version.

Other paintings from class PA/SB