Tuesday 3 May 2011

Whole School Letter 38

Now the summer term has started I wanted to remind you about our Sun Protection policy. The sun’s rays are particularly strong in the summer and they can damage children’s skin, which can sadly lead to skin cancer in later life.
Your child’s health and well-being are very important to us, which is why we:
* spend time learning about the importance of sun protection;
* encourage pupils to wear hats when outside and to use sunscreen;
* encourage pupils to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
More details of these and other sun protection plans can be found in our Sun Protection policy. Of course, your support is very important if we are to make this work.
You can help by:
* talking to your child about the importance of sun protection at home;
* applying a minimum factor 15 sunscreen to your child’s face, neck, arms and legs
(if exposed) before they leave home, in order to safeguard them through the day;
* always sending your child to school in a hat (preferably with a wide brim);
* ensuring your child brings in a water bottle (with a sports cap).
Visit www.wrapsplathat.co.uk for more information and a chance to win a holiday.

With this letter please find a leaflet for Scholastic Books. If you wish to place an order please use the form on the leaflet & return it with a cheque made payable to ‘Scholastic ltd’ or complete the credit card slip on the order form.
Please note we CANNOT ACCEPT CASH for this order.
The deadline is Tuesday 10 May.

SATS WEEK – 9-13 May
Please be aware that during next week Year 6 pupils will be doing their SATs tests.
Pupils in years 2-5 will also be taking part in SATs testing and school assessments from 9 May.
To ensure pupils settle whilst these are going on, please can we ask parents to avoid coming into the classrooms / corridors in the morning. Thank you.

Wednesday 27 April Maypole Dancing; Orchestra; Guitar
Tuesday 3 May Cricket ; Reading; Wind & Brass for Tuesday pupils
Wednesday 4 May Holy Horrors
Thursday 5 May Recorders; Keyboard
Monday 9 May Knitting; Gym (1 session only – future sessions start 6 June)
Tuesday 10 May Tennis (awaiting forms from coach)
Monday 16 May Wind & Brass for Monday pupils
Please note there will be no Wind & Brass lessons during SATs week 9-13 May

Mrs Fell would like to remind parents that Orchestra is on every Wednesday, and that pupils who attend should bring their instruments please.