Thursday 20 March 2008

Prickles goes on an Easter egg hunt

When we got home, I first put in my bag a digital camera and a few other things. After that we set off to Framlingham castle and got ready for the Easter egg hunt. Me and some of my friends were on one team, oh and prickles 2 too. We had to find red cards with white dots on, there was also one red card with a green dot on. We all searched high and low for the cards. Our team collected 18 cards all together. Everyone got 10 mini eggs each and we also had 1 slightly bigger chocolate. One girl got a huge Easter egg because she found the red card with a green dot on it. Prickles had lots of fun so did I. We went home and started writing this on paper in my room. I’m so tired I think I should put prickles to bed. Goodnight.

by Kezia Bayfield (class KG)